Industrial Training Platform

Thank you for your interest and confidence in our Computing & IT students. The ITP Online stands for Online Industrial Training Platform (Internships). However, this website is currently ONLY applicable to Computer Science (CS)/ IT related internships

This is because we are still in the process of integration of other faculties. Please read through our FAQ to learn more about it. 

As a procedure, ALL Computing and IT internship providers are required to be registered in the new ITP Online platform and go through verification and registration process.

For other fields on internships please refer to the internship page (even if you provide various field of internships).

How can I register as a CS/IT related internship provider?

Follow the following steps:

1. Go to (Double check whether your company has submitted before).

2. Click on Sign Up.

3. Click on the Company tab.

4. Enter your details and click sign up 

>> Registration takes up to 3 working days. After 2-3 days, try checking again and if approved, you may post and accept internships in the platform (if students applied).

What can I post in the ITP?

You may post ONLY CS/IT related internships there. For other internships or vacancies, please refer to the internship page or vacancy page.

Why does it show "wrong format" or I couldn't successfully register?

Please remove any spaces in the contact number and try again.

Why is my ITP registration not approved?

This may be due to any of the following:

1) It has not passed 3 working days. It may take 2-3 working days for us to verify and approve your application.
2) Your information is not complete and it takes more time to verify your company to be relevant (ambiguous work content, industry etc)
3) Your job scope for interns is not related.
4) Company's SSM does not match
5) Attached wrong file, or unverifiable SSM document
6)  Your company  already has an active ITP account, so you're submitting again.
6) Your company did not submit the application.

What happens if I submitted the wrong document/irrelevant job scope?

We will email you notifying your application is not approved due to one of the reasons stated above. If there is no reply, the application would be cancelled. If it is the wrong SSM document, it would also be cancelled. If you have a relevant job scope, we would then assist you to amend your details and approve your company.

CS/IT students applied for internship in my company but I haven't registered in the platform.

Please continue to register in the platform.